29 Jan M&A Webinar Series
As we begin a new year, and with M&A activity at historic highs for the IT services industry, we thought the timing was right to help IT services executives better prepare for the rigors of what has been described as one of the most unnatural acts in business. To this end, we are hosting a series of webinars on topics critical to the success of an M&A. Please join us for some or all of these webinars as your schedule permits.
Wednesday, February 25 at 11:00 AM CST
Topic: How to survive the perils of Post-Merger Integration (PMI).
This session will speak to the role M&A plays in a company’s growth strategy; why they fail, and how to make an M&A succeed. The session will focus on the primary reason most M&A initiatives fail to meet the intended goal, which is faulty post-merger integration. Importantly, the session will highlight the implementation strategies and tactics necessary to affect a seamless and productive assimilation of two companies and cultures.
Click here to register for this webinar.
Wednesday, March 18 at 11:00 AM CDT
How to know you are ready for an M&A.
This session will focus on what executives need to have in place – financially, strategically, operationally and culturally – to benefit from buy-side and sell-side M&A initiatives. The consequence of failure for small to midsize IT firms — without the financial reserves of their larger brethren — can be devastating. The question for executives should not be whether to embark on an M&A strategy, but how to do it right. Getting your company prepared and ready is the first step on the path to M&A success.
Click here to register for this webinar.
Thursday, April 23 at 11:00 AM CDT
Trends in M&A valuations.
When looking to buy or sell an IT services firm, the number most likely on your mind at the start of the process is the multiple. We hear it all the time as we begin to talk with buyers and sellers. What’s the multiple they ask? This session will focus on what the market is valuing companies, historically, today, and likely over the next year, and the factors that drive valuations. We’ll address the role of stock deals vs. asset deals, cash vs. earn outs, and other deal structure considerations.
Click here to register for this webinar.
Wednesday, May 20 at 11:00 AM CDT
Doing Due Diligence.
Due diligence is the nuts and bolts phase of the M&A process. It’s when the rubber hits the road in coming to grips with the detailed realities of the business. It’s when the lawyers and accountants descend on the business, and where issues are unearthed that often derail a deal after the letter of intent (LOI) is signed. Needless to say, better preparing yourself for an exhaustive due diligence process is key. This session will focus on just how to prepare for this phase of the M&A process.